10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch
10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch

10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch

Just as a saxophone reed won't sound very good if you detach it from the rest of the instrument and try to blow on it alone, the raw waveforms from the oscillator may not sound good all by themselves. A similar mapping exists between modules and the parts of other acoustic instruments. Waves from it are then shaped by the body (which is like the filter) turned on and off by the player's mouth and lungs (like a VCA), and have their pitch controlled by the keys (which are like control voltage generators). In my metaphor of a subtractive synthesis patch being like a saxophone, the VCO is like the reed. Oscillator - an electronic circuit that produces a repeating waveform - and for anything but the most static kind of drone music, it's usually a voltage-controlled oscillator, or VCO, which changes its pitch under control of a voltage from other modules. But where does that sound come from in the first place? Quite often, the audio signal originates with an

10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch

Once you have an electrical signal that represents a sound, you can process it into music with such modules as filters and VCAs. This is Part 10 of a series that started with Part 1. Modular synthesis intro, part 10: Analog oscillators

10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch